Saturday 30 June 2007

V-Pro hemp protein powder (not just for athletes)

In my younger days as a keen martial artist and general fitness fanatic, my main concern when becoming vegan was getting enough high quality protein. I had fallen for all the, "you only get protein from meat/fish/chicken/eggs" rubbish that gets repeated over and over at gym’s around the world. If only I had known about Virginia Foods V-Pro hemp protein powder! This amazing protein powder is organic, vegan and of a form easily assimilated by the body. V-Pro can be used in smoothies (it blends really easily), added to cereals and porridge and sprinkled onto both hot and cold food. It tastes yummy too, so yummy in fact my girlfriend keeps using my V-Pro.

For all you body-building types, here’s the important stuff – V-Pro is 50% protein, of which one third is albumin (as found in egg whites) and two thirds edestin (a plant protein similar to that found in the body). V-Pro contains all the essential amino acids plus high levels of arginine and branch chained amino acids essential for muscle repair and growth.

I take tubs of V-Pro when I’m travelling and if I’m out for the day I take a couple of V-Pro smoothies to get me through the day. So, whether you’re exercising or training, or just need a good source of protein in your diet, try V-Pro hemp powder, its easily absorbed, tastes good and my girlfriend swears by it.

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